Limpe Fuchs
Vogel Musik

Limpe Fuchs : lithophon (serpentinit), ballaststring, tubedrums, kettledrum, violin, voice
Christoph Reiserer : clarinet, soprano sax, baritone sax
Julia Schoelzel : piano (5.)

Live recording in Freiburg, Offenburg and Haslach, July 2002
exept 5 recorded at Musikfest Munich 2004.
1. das grosse Huhn - the big hen 9:07
2. das zarte Huhn - the gentle hen 3:43
3. der Hahn - the rooster 6:16
4. der Marsch - march 2:23
5. fliegen - flying 12:24
6. Zwiegespräch - dialogue 9:38
7. Landschaft mit Vogel - landscape with bird 8:19

2007 CD Robot Records