Hans Joachim Roedelius
Geschenk des Augenblicks (Gift of the moment )

Hans Joachim Roedelius : grand piano, acoustic and electric guitars, electric bass, accordion, electronic sounds with vocoder CP 33,Korg Poly 61
Arjen Uittenbogaard : cello
Tjitse Letterie : violin

1. Geschenk des Augenblicks (Gift of the moment) 4:19
2. Adieu Quichotte 5:46
3. Troubadour 5:16
4. Kleine Blume irgendwo (Little Flower somewhere) 2:13
5. Ohn' Unterlass (Continuously) 3:50
6. Gefundene Zeit (Time Regained) 2:00
7. Sehnsucht ich will dich lassen (To be free of Yearning) 5:48
8. Das Sanfte (Mellowness) 3:43
9. Tag für Tag (Day by Day) 4:30
10. Zu Füßen der Berge am Ufer des Sees (At the foot of the mountain by the lakeside) 6:35
11. Wurzeln des Glücks (Roots of Joy) 3:25

1984 LP EG
CD Virgin