The Seven Deadly Sins

Tony Newman : guitar
Max Simms : bass
Mike Newman : drums

1. Introit: "Twenty Thousand People" 3:23
2. Gloria in Exelsis: "Toccata" 2:36
3. Avarice: "Daddy's Thing" 2:25
4. Pride: "Pride" 2:56
5. Sloth: "Open Up Your Eyes" 3:04
6. Wrath: "Gemegemera" 3:02
7. The Secrets: "Devil's Hymn" 3:35
8. Lust: "Maybe You're the Same" 2:35
9. Envy: "I'm Talking as a Friend" 4:12
10. Gluttony: "Something is Treatening Your Family" 2:53
11. The Dismissal: "Twenty Thousand People" 3:43

1969 LP Ampco
CD Free Records